The life we save might be yours

The life we save might be yours

A message from Vanessa Baic and Claire Rickard (Co- Chairs)

Claire Rickard Co-Chair ICU Foundation
Claire Rickard

Covid really brought the Intensive Care setting to the forefront of our mind. Every night our lounge rooms were filled with pictures and statistics of health experts right across the world talking about the number and fate of patients in Intensive Care Units.

As Chair of the Board of the ANZ Intensive Care Foundation and through my involvement with the organisation for the past 9 years Claire and I have both seen the hard work and dedication of  Intensive Care teams helping to improve the way we care for patients in Intensive Care. The staff we have met are highly skilled and have specialist training. They are motivated by their desire to make a meaningful contribution to society and to help save lives. This life might be yours.

Since 1990 the Intensive Care Foundation of Australia and New Zealand has supported more than 120 research projects, providing over $4m in funding. Research supported by the Foundation is helping people of all ages live longer.

Vanessa Baic (Co-Chair)
Vanessa Baic

Intensive Care (ICU) health experts are researching ways to reduce the fear of long-term pain and disability following an ICU admission. They are researching how we get people home sooner with less complications and a better quality of life. They are also looking at what the best medicine is to prevent blood clots and looking at how to help a patient breathe better without life support machines.

The ANZ Intensive Care Foundation is the only granting body devoted to support Intensive Care trials and you can read about some of these trials here. We will continue to fund research into better ways to treat and care for the most seriously ill patient, but we can only do this with continued financial support. We thank you for your support of the Foundation to date and your continued support into the future.